This new diffractometer is furnished with the latest technologies of X-Ray tube and detector bandwith positioning system by laser triangulation for rapid characterization of residual stress within the precision proposed into the EN 15305 standard. The system is fully portable and can be used both on-site and in the laboratory. It is also possible to carry out automatic multipoint on one ormore parts such as for example, a filiation on a welded joint. This collaborative robot is designed to work within all safety standards used in business (robotics and radiation protection). His intuitive and ease of use make it an indispensable asset for the residual stress determination.

The goniometer is equipped with a pure Si solid state detector with an angular range of 20° to 35° as a function of its distance from the sample and a sensitivity up to 7 times higher than a gas detector.
The X-ray tube with an air cooling overcomes the constraints related to liquid cooling and cables.
A positioning system by laser triangulation allow to move the robot with remarkable precision and very quickly.
This system allows recording the coordinates of the desired points for the completion of automatic multipoint.
For geometrically complex parts, it is possible to manually learn the way to the robot from one point to another to avoid any impact with the part.

A light and easily transportable unit is considered to accomodate different sizes and geometries of parts.